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Battalion Staff 

The battalion staff organizes everything from uniforms for cadets to the rank database to the website. It is everyones aspiration to get one of these staff positions if not leading a company. Staff members and their assistants get into their positions by showing responsibilty, leadership, and self-discipline. Their are 5 staff positions and 3 leadership positions on the staff board. 

Battalion Commander Matthew Haney 
This position is the most demanding in your cadet battalion. The instructor staff selects the cadet for this position through a broad selection based on demonstrated leadership ability and academic standing. The appointed cadet must be able to apply common sense and sound judgment in the solving of the problems that affects the entire cadet corps.
Executive Officer Gabriel Rampy
The battalion executive officer supervises, directs, and coordinates the cadet battalion staff to prevent overlapping efforts and to ensure that the commander's desires and policies are undersood and achieved. The BN XO keeps the staff informed of the battalion commander's directives and keeps the battalion commander informed of the projects status. He/She assigns work tasks to the staff. The BN XO assumes command of the battalion in the absence of the cadet battalion commander.
Sergeant Major Brittany Byrd

The battalion Sergeant Major is the principal cadet enlisted assistant to the Battalion Commander. As the senior enlisted member of the cadet corps, the SGM supervises the other non-commisioned officers (NCO's) of the battalion and companies.

Staff and Assitants


  • S-1 Personal Administration:

       C/2LT Savanah Oxenreider



  • S-2 Information/Security

       C/ 2LT William Wade



  • S-3 Training and Operations:

       C/2LT Tanner Pilkington



  • S-4 Supply:

       C/2LT Preston Steele



  • S-5 Public Affairs:

       C/2LT Kohl Ross




Company Commanders


  • Alpha: C/ CPT Joshua Lepley


  • Bravo: C/ 1LT Gordon West


  • Charlie: C/ 1LT Makai Little


  • Delta: C/ 1LT Ethean Pope

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